woman holding bag of Geoflora

Why BLOOM? The Importance of the Flowering Stage

The flowering phase can be the most exciting stage of the growing process. After weeks of tending to the green vegetative growth of your young plants, it’s finally time to see the results of your ...
Geoflora for cannabis

Grow Organic Cannabis with Geoflora

Organic cultivation is a rising trend in the growing industry. With numerous benefits, including impacts on human health, the environment, and plant potency, it’s only natural that cannabis cultiv...
Bag of Geoflora

A Closer Look at Geoflora’s Granular Form

Growing organically can be a challenge because it often involves measuring and mixing dusty ingredients with a lot of guesswork and uncertainty. This can lead to breathing in harmful airborne dust...
Geoflora bag

Season of Soil: Amend with Geoflora

With the growing season winding down, many gardeners are looking at winter with an eye on rest and recuperation, but did you know that your soil needs some care too? After a long growing season, y...
Boost your yield with Geoflora Bloom

Boost Your Yield With Geoflora Bloom

Harvest season is officially here, but there’s still time for growers to give their plants the nutrition they need to help ease through this transition phase and bolster flower and fruit productio...